Top 8 Chrome Apps That Could Change Your Life
by 18 May, 2013 10:00 am0

Google keeps re-inventing its Chrome app store constantly. There are a lot of cool new apps that make life easier, especially for the on-the-go end user. At a time when desktops are disappearing and the demand for offline apps is increasing, the Chrome app store has come out with a pretty impressive list of apps that do not occupy a lot of memory on your device.
The following list of apps gives a clear idea of where the Chrome app store is headed:
1. Codenvy IDE: This gives you the chance to write code right inside Chrome. It is a collaborative app and enables developers to use PHP, Python, JavaScript, Heroku, Google App Engine and lots more. The collaborative feature of this app helps it stand apart from the usual crowd of development apps like CoffeeScript IDE or ShiftEdit.
2. Google App set : You can get everything from Google Drive to Gmail Offline to Google Keep right in the Chrome app store. The most amazing aspect of Google apps is that all of them are active offline. The same goes for Goggle Calendar or the Chrome Remote Desktop. With Google apps that work offline, it is easy to find and use information and the process is similar to online data access. Google apps are one-of-a-kind apps and deserve a special mention in the Chrome app store.
3. Tomatoes: This is an app that keeps you on your feet all day. Based on the Pomodoro technique of work efficiency, the app helps you check your work-score. You can set a time frame of twenty-five minutes and check your progress. You can also compete with others on a leaderboard.
4. WeVideo: Bring out the video editor in you through the nifty video editing app, WeVideo. It enables you to split video clips, trim and add multiple effects. It’s not a replacement for Adobe Premier but a smart app for the video editing hobbyist in you. It covers many basic editing needs and is a neat little app for editing novices.
5. TwistedWave: This is Chrome’s audio editing app that allows you to modify audio files for up to thirty seconds. You can slice them, remove fade outs, add audio effects and save everything in SoundCloud or Google Drive. All you need is a free account sign up.
6. Write Space: This is another Chrome app that also works offline. This app has a built-in data saving feature and presents a no-distraction writing space. It resembles Google Docs in a few important ways. The writing area can be personalized and is contained in the browser completely.
7. Pixlr Editor: It is a photo editing app that allows you to apply basic photo effects and alterations to the image file. You can alter the color and apply popular filters like Vignette or HDR to your images. Not a high ended photo editing app by any means, Pixlr Editor is a handy tool for the on-the-go photo editor in you.
8. Cryptocat: This app is meant to keep all your chats locked up and private, exactly the way you want those to be. It ensures that there is no intrusion of your chat privacy and that you can converse with friends without worrying about conversation spies.
These apps are very popular among Chrome users and free them from filling their devices with numerous useless software and extensions.