The New and Improved Facebook Feed
by 13 June, 2013 2:01 am0

Since March, the Facebook news feed has seen a complete overhaul. Not everyone has been given access to this novel design, but if you just happen to have already used it, you may just wonder how the recent changes affect the feed that appears in the news feed.
Facebook has default algorithms that provide default definitions of what can appear in your news streams. However, new options offer the user a far greater control over the content they wish to see in the news feed. You can be selective about the theme of the posts that pop up on your home screen. You can set your filters to offer up only photo content or music content from people and pages of your choosing. That is unless you wish otherwise. If you really want to see every single post then you can set the News Feed to get every single post to appear in real-time.
This change turns your News Feed into an extension of the Facebook Ticker. So henceforth apart from simple Status updates, you will also see notifications of any granular action by any of your friends. Talk about detailed. Facebook News Feed is all about getting the content you may wish to see arranged for you in an ordered format. Facebook has always considered content their main attraction. Presenting new content in new and attractive ways has been the reason for the unencumbered spread of Facebook.
The new Facebook is now a lot more efficient and secure with Graph search. The Graph search feature enables you to access content in a more reliable manner than before. The enhanced security allows you control over who can view your content. You can even restrict certain users from getting access to the content you do not wish them to. Restricted access can give you the kind of control over your data that you always wanted. The new News Feed is more organized and thus, more likely to present relevant content.
If you’re one of the privileged few who have seen the latest News Feed, then you only need to add a few minor tweaks to get the required content selection. If you happen to be stranded with the old one still, you might want to consider signing up to the queue for the new look. Everybody wants real-time news feeds. But often the users complain about mixed up stories. Some Pepsi-Cola ad from a week ago is definitely not ranking above a close friends post. But they often get mixed up. The new News Feed will look to prevent this thing from happening.
The new update is a first step towards a more content specific version of social networking. Content and organization of content is gaining more prominence among users. With that in mind, the Graph Search move may just prove to be an altogether good move in the future. Any undue questions regarding the future of Facebook may be quelled with this simple tweak. Facebook is now taking steps to create a more involved and engrossed audience. Getting users to spend more and more time on their site seems to be the chief aim of Facebook currently. With the development of the Graph search and Facebook home, this might just be happening in the near future.