New RSS Feed, New Contributors, New Tutorials, New Features, Stats and Figures
by 1 April, 2009 1:17 am6

RSS Feed has Changed
For those who didn’t notice our main RSS feed address has changed. We were unable to redirect the subscribers from the older one therefore you will need to apply again for the subscription either for the browser or e-mail deliver. Do it quickly to don’t miss the next coming tutorials.
New Contributors
We are publishing cool tutorials from new contributors, such as Matthew Casperson, and more will come. Nevertheless, if you are interested to get some exposure, win $100 and help the community, be sure to read the tutorials guidelines and submit your work to us.
New Tutorials
So far we have covered Adobe Air, Flash and Flex tutorials but we will also cover mobile development tuts. During April we will publish the first tutorial on Flash Lite, and more will come. We are also seeking for Silverlight developers, who would like to write tutorials for The Tech Labs. We want to give a chance to show what can be achieved with this new tool. Stay tune, and don’t miss it.
New Features
We are all the time trying to develop this site, to make it a better place for you. Therefore, we have started to include some new features on it. You are able now to subscribe to comments, so don’t miss the answers to your questions on certain tutorials. You also can see what tutorials will be published in the next coming days in the sidebar. More features are being tested and will be available soon. We also implemented a related articles box just next to the social bookmarking buttons.
Stats and Figures
We are growing week by week, and we want to keep raising our figures. Although, we would like to call your attention for the help you can give to this site, by using the social bookmarking buttons. We are confident that if all of you use them, we will grow faster and get more exposure and bring new contributors for this community.
So far we have published 28 tutorials, got 407 comments, 201.422 visits, 470.985 pageviews and rss subscribers … ah… yes… none…