How Mobile Technology is Changing World Travel
by 9 May, 2012 5:44 am1
The long term future is certainly bright for mobile technology. With the upcoming 4G capabilities, it’s not long before booking all our travel arrangements online is going to be the norm. According to Google, 8% of us will be booking all of our holidays via a mobile phone by 2012. In the next five years, mobile commerce is expected to grow by 55% whilst British holidaymakers are expected to spend over £30billion through purchases on smartphones. The Apple iTunes store consists of 5% travel apps with the figure increasing all the time. We should expect to see more apps dedicated to all things travel, including one for tracking individuals as well as one which informs of any disruptions to your plans. Mobile activity is set to take over from the desktop online booking practice as more people thrive on the convenience of being able to book your next holiday from under your duvet. This infographic by My Destination provides an overview of the mobile industry and usage in the travel space, and highlights just how fast changing the environment is.