Adobe SocialAnalytics – Social Marketing Made Easy
by 19 May, 2011 4:00 pm0

Along with the release of Creative Suite 5.5 Adobe also introduced their online marketing suite, which provides a plethora of online marketing tools for the e-commerce community. Among those online marketing tools is a fairly new release of software called Adobe SocialAnalytics.
Adobe SocialAnalytics- Social Marketing Made Easy
Adobe SocialAnalytics goes hand-in-hand with social networking platforms to provide businesses with a better understanding of how social media impacts their success. Adobe SocialAnalytics software basically analyzes social media data and content and provides relevant measurements and numbers on “key business metrics”.
Adobe claims that SocialAnalytics will ultimately allow marketers to “monitor, measure, and monetize social media”.
The online marketing suite was designed in conjunction with Omniture technologies.
Brad Rencher, vice president and general manager of the Omniture Business Unit at Adobe, says: “What marketers have been missing is a solution that helps them identify the most relevant voices and activities, tie social activity to brand and business impact and then take action to optimize that impact. Adobe SocialAnalytics can inform how a company participates on the social Web, removing guesswork and replacing it with strategies or experimentation built on insight”.
Rencher also says: “The social Web is the largest focus group on the planet and marketers are striving to figure out how best to listen and participate”.
Since it’s original announce (March, 2011) there has already been several big name participants taking advantage of the software; prominent names like MTV Networks, Vodafone and General Motors.
Chris Jenkins, head of global online performance at Vodafone, says: “With the ability to tie our efforts to key performance indicators such as site traffic and online purchases, we can further optimise the social experiences we provide.”
It certainly opens up many opportunities for small (and large) businesses that don’t quite understand how to attack social marketing with solid techniques. Users can pinpoint a certain area of their social media profiles and focus on improving one aspect at a time. For instance, if users want to focus a majority of their efforts and measurements on profile and web traffic they can do so; or they can focus on other aspects such as amount of social media impact and content (comments, friends/followers etc.).
What is Adobe SocialAnalytics?
SocialAnalytics allows users to measure exposure and marketing numbers on a wide variety of social networks and platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Social Blogs, and Social Forums. Adobe also clearly states that SocialAnalytics with will work any related social platform or network even if it isn’t listed as its main purpose is to define social activity and content.
Adobe SocialAnalytics is currently in global beta which was opened on May 19, 2011. Adobe intends to release the SocialAnalytics software in “Q3 of 2011” which is essentially sometime within the next few months.
Before SocialAnalytics, Adobe offered similar social marketing tools but nothing quite so extensive. As of now all previous software has been combined into SocialAnalytics.
Anyone interested in more information can visit the official Adobe SocialAnalytics Press Release.
Stay tuned for a future product review coming soon!